In my younger riding days there was a box I wanted to tick that I never got to. Riding across the Nullarbor. It always seemed a long way away and work, family and health, and a lack of motorcycle arising from same, had me thinking that it was a dream that would never be realised.
Back in those days, there's two things I never even thought of. The first, owning a Harley Davidson.. the second, going to a HOG Rally (I didn't know there was any such thing!) This year some things have come together and the realisation of a dream is back on the agenda.
The 2009 Australian National HOG Rally is on in Launceston in November this year. I was in two minds about whether to go but then it occured to me that Melbourne is much closer to the Nullarbor than where I live so I started thinking about going to the rally, turning left on the way back and riding to Perth. I raised the concept with my wife, who didn't object strenuosly, and then ran it by my son to see if he was interested in coming too. I explained at length that it was my dream, not his, and I did not want him to agree because he thought I'd want him to. I also explained that it would likely be quite tough going and possible rather boring for much of it. He wants to come.
So, now I'm in the initial stages of planning. One of the things I will need to do shortly though, is seek and opinion from the Harley Guru about whether my 1998 Harley-Davidson Road King is up to the challenge. I hope so!