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SS1600K Mackay to Newcastle

By Wom Battle
Category: Rides

The alarm went off at 3.15am and my get out of the motel routine kicked and I was out the door with a docket at the Caltex at 4.01am and a witness signature.  It was quite cool so the heated vest was turned on and away I went.  Yeah yeah, heated vest, what a pussy. Let me tell you, if you are going to ride 1600k's in a day and you freeze your nuts of in the first few hours, good luck getting it done safely!

I wasn't sure if I had enough fuel to get to Rockhampton but there were plenty of options just south of Mackay, through Sarina so I considered it likely there'd be just as many to the Rocky to choose from if fuel was short. Insert laughter by locals here.

A couple of dead wallabies, perhaps one live one, not quite sure, but I'd chosen this route to stay east in more traffic and less wildlife while in the dark, I felt it safer.  There are some good sections of 110kph heading south which was nice. Getting close to Rocky though it became apparent that fuel wasn't going to be common. The Harley says "Lo" when the DTE gets below 15kms. It said "Lo" with 30kms to go and I rolled into the first Caltex in Rocky on fumes. Had a hot chocolate (it was cooler than at 4am) and got set for the day.

I grabbed a sunrise shot along the way. Plenty of time for pics today.

I had decided on the Leichhardt Way, a route I'd not ridden before and looked forward to seeing some new stuff.  I went out through Gracemere, Mt Morgan, not too bad a road but was shuffled onto a winding detour around one part of the highway, the first inconvenience of the day but the bends were fun. With the jerry destroyed on the trip up and a close call into Rocky I decided to play it safe with fuel and stopped at Banana.  Not sure how it got the name, the park had some fake cattle in it, not a banana to be seen anywhere.  Maybe they should have called the town Cows. (Note: I found out they name it after a cow (bullock) called Banana, go figure!)

After Banana the road got a bit crook which wasn't a great help to my tenderised back and kidneys after the hammering they got on the way up. I didn't have as much luggage on board this trip, I sent the dirty laundry and anything else I didn't need for this ride home with my wife on the plane.

Heading down to Miles the road got worse and the significant delays started. The first few were roadworks. Here's one

and then at least a 15 minute delay because of a wide load. The Policeman doing the escort was friendly and stopped for a chat.  He commented on the cold, the sun hadn't brought much warmth with it and asked me where I was going. "Newcastle" I said. "Where have you come from today?" "Mackay" I like to be truthful but he looked surprised.  "What time did you leave?" "4am" I could see him doing the maths in his head, it was taking a while, perhaps because he was escorting wide loads and not in the CIB so I helped him.  "I'm averaging 86kph". "Oh, OK, good. Enjoy the rest of your ride" "Thanks, I will unless I keep getting stopped by roadworks and wide loads." He smiled and said, "There's more roadworks just up the road".
What to do while I was waiting? Take a selfie.

Set off SPOT so the missus didn't get worried about me being stopped in the middle of nowhere. And a snap of the wide load going past.

And a snap of the roadworks 5k's up the road delivering another significant delay.

The next bit went on for Miles, so I stopped there for fuel (couldn't help myself).

The story of the rest of Queensland down to Goondiwindi was to be degrading road conditions delivering bigger hits and roadwork delays. I watched the OA and MA going backwards further and further, nowhere near critical but it was turning what I would have expected to be a sub 18hr ride into a 19+hr ride.

More fuel at the new Caltex Roadhouse at Goondiwindi, very nice truckstop, the dunnies were spotless and even smelled nice! Then I made it to NSW, the roads sorted themselves out, the 110kph signs appeared and even the one bit of roadwork between there and Moree didn't slow me down.  I had intended to stop in Moree for fuel but I had enough to get to Narrabri and I wanted to get as much ground covered as I could before dark.

The sun set just as I rode into Narrabri, it was busy so I rode through to the Shell Servo south west of town where I had a plain burger (first meal for the day) and a flat white and got ready for the night. The day never really warmed up but it was getting colder now so I turned on the heated vest and off I went towards Gunnedah.  Guess what?

It was like salt into the wounds.  I knew I was still on track for 19hrs which isn't really too bad but to say that I had the shits with this ride would be an understatement. I felt like stopping the ride in protest, but I had to get to Uni the next morning.  It didn't help that there had been a dirt road detour around the railway crossing at Curlewis on the way north, that seemed like fun at the time but not today.  Thankfully they'd finished the work.

Across Breeza, Willowtree and the last fill at Scone where I had a hot chocolate to warm up.  Then the normal ride down the New England on to that lovely new Hunter Expressway for a trouble free trip into the heart of Newcastle.

Some mates had been watching the satellite tracking and one was there to greet me when I arrived (with his new LD Scooter). It took me a moment to expunge the expletives and express my frustration as we discussed the strange goings on with the SPOT and my lack of progress during the day.  Bill turned up shortly thereafter also wondering what had gone on.  Good humour returned as the paperwork was done and I secured my traditional twinpack Cherry Ripe purchased for the docket.

We chatted for a while about the scooter exploits and home after a rare snap was taken with me and the bike..

Now nothing about this ride was particularly difficult other than the (com)pounding my already delicate back and kidneys received. I was happy enough to cope with that, the only way you can control that is to take another route next time.  19hrs to the minute isn't "really" a bad time for an SS1600K. I was very efficient with all my stops that probably accounted for less than an hour all up for the day. What I was surprised with was my reaction to the constant interruptions to the flow of the ride. It didn't make me ride faster or take any risks, I'm thankfully too disciplined for that now.  It just gave the the shits! I'll have a chat with my missus to see if she can recommend some strategies for me to deal better with intra-ride inconveniences and some anger management.

It's been a while since I knocked over a couple of serious rides on the Road King. For this trip I'd been on the road for 5 days, only really ridden 3 and covered about 4,800kms. All up a fun weekend at the National HOG Rally.


Disclaimer: This non commercial website and its content is not affiliated with or associated in any way with the Harley-Davidson Motor Company, Harley-Davidson Australia, the Harley-Davidson Owners Group® or any Harley-Davidson® Dealers in Australia.  The use of the terms Harley-Davidson, and Road King® are unavoidable because that's what I own and ride.  This website,  called "My Harley Davidson" , and any opinions or comments expressed herein are purely about my Harley-Davidson Road King ownership experience, a truly great experience at that. I have no intention whatsoever to infringe on any trademarks or copyright ownership of the Harley-Davidson Motor Company or anyone else.

February 2025