Today was hot, 35 degrees and counting. Some cloud rolled in later in the afternoon so I took the opportunity to throw the boy on the back of the bike, slip on my new leather jacket and off we went. There's a mountain just west of us with a nice winding road leading up to a scenic lookout. The Harley had no trouble growling up the steep curvy road, it's surprisingly agile for a bike its size. It was the first time my son had experienced significant corners and he commented that he was actually a little frightened on the way up looking over cliffs and leaning into rock walls. Didn't cross my mind.
Rather than straight back we headed west a little further and did a circuit to the freeway and headed home. A small 64 km ride all up and topped up the fuel tank close to home ($15.08). It turned out the my son took a bunch of photos on the way back. It's clear he's more relaxed now.