After buying up on wet weather gear and hanging around waiting for a weather miracle (that didn't come) it was time to leave for Sydney. I decided to forego the wet weather gear for now, there was a bit of mist around but it wasn't really raining. Off we went and 10k's from home, we rode through a shower. No probs, not too wet. 40ks from home it rained. Still not too bad, a little wet but not uncomfortable. After 10 minutes of it I thought it fair to ask the boy if he wanted to put on his wet weather gear. It was a yes (wet knees :-)) so we stopped under an overpass and put the wet weather gear on over the wet jeans. Pictured is the situation under the overpass.
5 more minutes on the rain stopped and we pulled in at a roadhouse for a bite to eat and some caffeine. I also picked up $8 of fuel. I was surprised by the attention the Harley attracted in the Roadhouse car park, a number of people stopped near it and gave it a good look over.
Back out on the road, wouldn't you know, it didn't rain again. The roads were damp though. I decided to take the old Pacific Highway rather than stick to the freeway. It's a lovely piece of winding road but taken carefully because of the water on the road. It's been years since I've ridden this road, this is likely the slowest I've ever been on it but I didn't care. My son is great on the back, we were as cranked over as I was comfortable with (only slipped around a couple of times) and he didn't flinch. I'm a proud dad!
Off the end of the highway we headed back for the freeway and Sydney traffic with school zones to our accommodation for the night. It was a little scary riding between semi-trailers in significant traffic on the damp roads but we didn't have any problems. I did note though that two up with luggage the Road King doesn't pull up very quickly!
Anyhow we arrived happy, still damp but in one piece. All Good!