Bugger! Sunday morning and it's raining again. Thick clouds abound and no sign of the sun peeking through anywhere. We went about our usual Sunday routine with me peering skywards at every opportunity. My son was keen to get out on the bike again after his first pillion experience the day before.
4pm saw a break in the weather, we had an hour before it was time to go to the gym with my wife so the gear was chucked on and away we went. After the positive experience of yesterday I thought it was time to tackle some traffic and we headed into the city for the cruise around the beaches. My gear changes proved a little rusty, but no pig rooting or too many missed gears. One thing about the Harley-Davidson is if you stuff up a gear everyone knows. The gears also don't seem to change as quickly as my body remembers the Jap bikes I've had in the past did.
Anyhow, it was really nice, sun shining, streets newly washed and the surf up. I was reminded of why I hate salt spray as it grew increasingly difficult to see in the lowering afternoon sun.
During the cruise we saw quite a few other bikes doing the same thing, must be "what you do" on Sunday afternoon.
The bike, although it weighs in at over 300kg was nice and relaxed in traffic and not hard at all to manoeuvre. I'm liking it more all the time.
My son commented that he saw plenty of people looking as we went past, I guess that's a bonus if you like that sort of thing :-).